We are


Davis Undergraduate Engineering Network

a professional engineering club at UC Davis.


by title,


by choice.

DUEN is a close-knit group of ambitious engineers, and we strive to foster friendships that will last a lifetime. We are constantly learning, growing, and bonding as friends and as professionals.

duen group photo

A Message From Our President

duen group photo

Hello everyone! Davis Undergraduate Engineering Network (DUEN) is a club at UC Davis for those looking to connect with students interested in Engineering and Computer Science, interested in connecting with their peers! As president, I aim to foster a strong sense of camaraderie and professionalism within the club by creating engaging opportunities for members to collaborate, grow their skills, and connect meaningfully, both socially and professionally.


Aliya Abla

Fall 2023

Any questions not in our FAQ? Send us an email at


Fill out our Interest Form!


Developed by

Takumi Imanaka

, Founding Cohort

With 💜 from the officers at

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